58 thoughts on “Perhaps Life….

  1. prashantt says:

    Its very easy & simultaneously hard to cope up with this destruction.I said easy because all the solutions lies within ourselves and at the same time its hard because sometimes we’re not ready to accept those solutions.

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  2. And what if one is unable to find those solutions? Besides those solution lies within ourselves or we aren’t ready to accept those solutions….
    πŸ™‚ was just always in need of the answer of this question.

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  3. prashantt says:

    That’s what i mentioned it becomes hard because we aren’t accepting the changes…but acceptance is much better then to ruin ourselves and there is no other way to cope up with this destruction that why it is said Life is what you make it.Have a great day ahead πŸ™‚

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  4. Just keep asking the questions. That is what life is all about. I’ve seen what knowing all the answers does to people – it makes your brain turn into a large walnut inside a hard shell. Questions keep you fresh and keep you on the edge and the people in for it and they keep you up to date. So keep asking, the more questions the better.

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  5. Ibrahim Abdullah says:

    Nahi. We’re the paradoxic snake, eating away at its tail and yet..we can’t consume our self. We are not our cause of demise. We may heighten it, we may alleviate it, but unless one commits seppuku, one isn’t ending oneself.

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  6. But you are your destroyer…but also your creator. As each wall of fear holds you in its pattern, you attract it more and more…until one day you’ve just had enough, you are in a hole of doubt, negativity, and a horror that never seems to end. Your heart can no longer bear this pain, and you can’t see a way out.
    And then it happens, when you think you can do this no more, you break down into a crying heap…but from deep within comes a light. An understanding comes to the surface of why you were holding yourself in that pattern…and in its understanding, you finally ‘see’ that it was a simple thing, but with great power it held you blind by the fear you wove around it from childhood. That coping strategy from childhood only ‘knew’ that in hiding it, blocking it…it would go away. But as you grew up it would sneak back, shake you all over again until you could escape its terror, and once more be free again.
    But were you? It always comes back. And for one reason only. For within its power it will force you to look within, look deeply inside and break those shutters and walls that you had built, to finally see and understand what had built them. And finally, in seeing for the first time what had held you tight for so many years, you burst into tears, see its truth…and in its release a new you is born. This one clear of walls, one that can now see truly, no longer ready to fend off that old terror that never seemed to ever leave. You will no longer be ‘on guard’ because in understanding it, it loses its power, you can ‘see’ it for what it truly was….and finally, totally, release it.
    And in that understanding, you appreciate all that you have been through, and within that you ‘see’ that by enduring such a painful thing, you now see that it was for you…all of this pain and agony was so YOU can find that love of self.
    The one thing that the fear held in its pattern was a fear built on our negativity, low self worth and unloving feelings towards ourselves. And the very act of breaking through re-opens that heart, that had been closed down from walls of protection so that it could no longer be hurt, so you can see the truth of who you are within, and realise you ARE so worth this journey to give that love within…to you…the one who previously had blocked it in your low esteem. You can now truly see the ‘why’ of this journey
    You are now free…you can now ‘create’ anything…you no longer ‘react’ to this world…you…are…free πŸ™‚

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      • It is a long and sometimes difficult journey, but it will guide you truly to the one love we seek all our lives. It is only when we understand those fears, that we can ‘see’ that is the love of ourselves is the only thing that will truly make us happy.
        We try to find it in others, but always with the expectations of our fears, which always mirror them back to us. But that mirroring has great purpose…it shows us, ‘us’, so that we CAN finally understand our fears, release our walls, and find that love within.
        Blessings to you also, may your journey be built on that love πŸ™‚

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  7. Hi this is Kalpesh Bhanushali from India…
    I think we are ultimate responsible for our good n bad because whatever we think continuously and hammering our mind with that then that thing happens in any way with us.
    So whatever it is just say to yourself my some words…”” Leave it and live it””…
    It can really help you out..πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

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